Our Objectives
Helping Slow Global Heating
Trebling Fuel Efficiency
Global heating is increasing far faster than projected. We are broadly at 1.5oC warming now, on the road to 2.0 oC. Climate professionals have projected that irreversible runaway heating – a hellscape – could start at around 1.5oC. Urgent action is needed.

TECHNICAL: Litus has made a series of innovations, all relating to improving energy efficiency. Principle is the development of new, super-efficient uncooled engines. They could use all available fuels including hydrogen and amonia, and would be suitable for all applications including vehicles, ships, aircraft, rail, and industrial equipment. Uncooled engines would have so many advantages that, once available, the world is likely to quickly switch from cooled to uncooled engines, thereby cutting man-made CO2 by around 20%; by more than 30% if mostly using green fuels. See more on our Innovations page.
SOCIETAL: There has been virtually no progress on slowing global warming. Litus is advocating the immediate formation of a new global climate agency with the sole mission to avoid irreversible runaway heating. See more on our Agency page.